User Guide

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Controls are added to script pages and are used for a variety of functions, for example: to collect information, carry out activities (ie, run code, interrogate databases, etc), display data and schedule tasks.  Controls are added to script pages from the Control List in the Script Editor.  Where you wish to use the same control , or display the same information to an agent more than once without saving multiple values, controls that already exist somewhere in your script may be displayed again by selecting from the Used Controls list.
The controls described in this user guide are those that are shipped with the latest version of the CallScripter application by default, so can vary depending on which version is being used, as well as any controls imported or exported from other versions.  Some older controls are documented in the  Legacy Features section of this guide.  New controls can be written if required, please contact the CallScripter Professional Services team for further information.

Updating Controls

When CallScripter is upgraded newer versions of controls may have been released.  When an existing script, or template utilises an old control, a blue star icon will appear next to the control name:
Where the blue star icon appears, click on the control to view its attributes.  At the foot of the control attributes, an Update button will be shown:
A warning box will appear.  Click Yes to update the script to use the latest version of the control.  Any new features relating to that control will be available within the script attributes:

Controls or Fields?

Whilst the terms "Control" and "Field" are used interchangeably, generally speaking, a control is something added to a script page from the Control List.  Once a control has been added to a script page it is often referred to as a field.

Generic Control Attributes

Some controls use generic attributes, these are described below rather than on every page in which they feature:
Field Name - the control name displayed in a report (if one is written), or used to refer to this control in code.  Spaces are allowed, but special characters should be avoided for versions pre-4.5.29.  If Field Name is amended and already used in a report, the report will be need to be amended to account for this).  When more than one control of the same type is placed on a script page the control will be suffixed with a number, for example, Text Label, Text Label_1, Text Label_2, etc. In versions 4.5.33+ the Field ID is used instead of a sequential number.

Control Styling

Controls each have different attributes that can be styled.  Many controls that gather information from the Agent, have four component parts, e.g., list boxes, radio buttons, text boxes, text areas, each of which can be styled.  The styling options that come up are generic and may not apply to the control element
Each of these areas of the controls can have the following attributes:
·     Font Name (arial, tahoma, verdana)
·     Font Size (point)
·     Font Weight (normal, bold, bolder, lighter)
·     Border width (pixels)
·     Border colour (accepts text values and hex, e.g., red, or #ff000)
·     Border Type (solid, double, grooved, dotted, dashed, inset, outset, ridged, hidden)
·     Background Colour (accepts text values and hex, e.g., red, or #ff000)
·     Foreground Colour (accepts text values and hex, e.g., red, or #ff000)
·     Width (pixels)
·     Height (pixels)
·     Text Align (left, centre, right)
Tip: Hex values for all colours can be found here: