User Guide

Please email for omissions or errors.

Report Runner Controls

There are seven different Report Runner controls included with the CallScripter application.  Each is designed to send an email or SMS during a script run.   The message is built dynamically using a a combination of a report and variables populated during the script run.  The report can be pulled straight from the script or formatted using a Plain Text or HTML Template report along with Special Fields and Variables as detailed below.
Report Runner Controls
Note that in older versions of CallScripter, these were called Emailer Controls.
The seven report runner types are:
It is important that reports used with each of these report runner controls is configured correctly in the Reporting Options tab in the report designer - see "Report Runner - Place Report in Body?"

Field Name

1. Field Name
Give your field an appropriate name.  This is particularly important if using it in a calculation or report.  Changing a field name will not automatically update corresponding reports that use that field.

Field Help

2. Field Help
Enter the text you wish the agent to see when hovering over the control.

Select Report

3. Select Report
Link the Report Runner  control to the report that will build the message.  Please note that the report must be already created within the same customer to appear in the drop down report ID list.

Special Field and Variable Names

The following table shows a list of special field and variable names which can be used with the Report Runner Controls:

Special Variables

If you add this variable to the script and set a value into it, the "from address" in the report will take on this value
If you add this variable to the script and set a value into it, the "to address" in the report will take on this value
If you add this variable to the script and set a value into it, the "cc address" in the report will take on this value
If you add this variable to the script and set a value into it, the "email subject line" in the report will take on this value
If you add this variable to the script and set a value into it, the text shown in the body of the email will be overwritten with the value of this variable
If you add this variable to the script and set a value into it, the "mobile number" of the sms report runner will take on this value (this variable should only be used with the sms report runner control)
If you add this variable to the script and set a value into it, the "sms message body" of the sms report runner will take on this value (this variable should only be used with the sms report runner control)
If you add this variable to the script and set a report id (not name) into it, the report runner controls shall use it until t is blanked. This is an advanced feature and requires knowledge of CallScripter's internal working. Contact Support for further details.

Special Field Names

If you rename any field in the script as emailaddress, any value entered/selected in this field will automatically overwrite the email address that the report is being sent to
If you rename any field in the script as ccaddress, any value entered/selected in this field will automatically overwrite the ccaddress that the report is being sent to
If you rename any field in the script as subjectline, any value this field takes on will automatically overwrite the subject line of the email
If you rename any field in the script as bcc, any value this field takes on will automatically overwrite the bccaddress that the report is being sent to.
If you rename any field in the script as reportID, any value this field takes on will automatically overwrite the reportID set by the report runner control.
PLEASE NOTE:- Special variables must be added to the script and assigned a value,.  If they are not,  the report will take on the properties for that part of the delivery options stated in the report designer