User Guide

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Billing Setup Checklist

Customers can be billed by the number of calls OR the duration of calls at different rates depending on the time of day or the day of the week.  In addition, different rates can be charged for the SAME time period, but by volume, e.g., the first 100 at price A, the next 1000 at price B (Staggered Rates).
In addition to call based charging, specific actions in a script can result in a billable event which will apply a fixed rate, or multiple of that fixed rate charge in the billing module.
Print the following checklist to ensure you have set up all options when configuring the billing system for the first time.
Up to six time bands can be configured.  Calls taken between these times, on specific days  can be charged at a specific rate per chargeable minute, or per call.  Rates for calls within the time bands are defined at the customer level.
These are optional extras that can be added to the invoice in addition to the call and event related data extracted from the database. 
Add a range of settlement statements to be shown at the foot of your invoices, e.g., Payment within 30 days"
 (Optional) A message that will appear on the bottom of all invoices, e.g., "Wishing all our customers a Merry Christmas!"
Set up your address and logo as you want it to appear on the invoice (you must set up at least one)
Import customers from CallScripter (or Sage Accounts). 
These settings apply to every monthly invoice, and include management fees, free minutes, tax rates, etc.
Choose from the available bands set up in the Global billing Options and apply rates and volume
Optional fixed rates can be selected from the global rates of billing and applied to the customer as a monthly fixed cost.  The can also be set up individually without adding them to the global rates.
Optional variable Rates can be added to the customer invoice once the billing report has been run and edited accordingly.
Optional event rates are used in conjunction with a Billable Event Control which should be placed in the script at the point that should result in a fixed charge for a particular service.
Add the chargeable control to your script on the Wrap Page.  The Chargeable Control is linked to, and populated by the Outcome control.
When setting up outcomes, each outcome can be set as Chargeable, or not.  The Outcome chosen by the agent updates the content of the Chargeable control
(Optional) Where a specific response to a script by a caller results in a chargeable service, you can add an event to the script which logs the event and it's associated cost in the billing system.