User Guide

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Global Billing Options

Use the Edit Billing Options page  to add, edit, update and delete GLOBAL billing options.  You can also add Billing Customers here by  importing them from CallScripter.  If using Sage Accounts, you can import a CSV file exported from Sage to import customers.
Global Billing Options

Specified Time Bands

1. Specified Time Bands
Up to six time bands can be set up to calculate per-minute based customer billing.
Click on one of the six bands and click on the Edit Band button to view or edit the band attributes.  The bands set up here can be applied on a per customer basis in the Customer Billing Options - Call Rates section.

Invoice Settlement Text

2. Invoice Settlement Text
Invoice Settlement Text appears at the foot of PDF invoices
You can create as many settlement text options as required, and associate the appropriate option with individual customers in Customer Billing Options
Highlight and click an existing option to Edit or Delete it, or click New to add.  Once you have added the name of the text, you can then edit it to enter the text:

Rates of Billing (Fixed, Variable and Event)

3. Rates of Billing (Fixed, Variable and Event)
Rates for items other than per minute or per call billing are entered here.  They can be Fixed, Variable or Event rates.  The manner in which they are applied to each customer is determined when configuring individual Customer Billing Options
Rates of Billing should only be added to the global billing section where they are likely to apply to  multiple customers.  Items that are customer specific can be added in the Fixed, Variable and Event Rates section of Customer Billing Options.
NOTE - There are some special "Reserved" event names that are used in conjunction with the message queue.  If you are sending chargeable messages via the message queue, you will need to create Rates with the following names:
  • Email message
  • SMS Message
  • Pager Message
  • Fax Message
  • Call Admin Charge
You should not use these names with Billing Event Controls if using the message queue or customers may get billed twice for the same event.

Edit CallCentre Data

4. Edit CallCentre Data
The name, address, company logo and footer logo as it will appear on the invoice should be set up here.  For an example of how these will appear on the invoice PDF, see Example Invoice PDF
You MUST have at least one entry.  This function enables organisations who operate under, and therefore need to invoice under, different trading names or companies that are part of the same group, the ability to configure multiple invoice templates.
  • The Company Logo URL path is a full local path on the CS Web Server, ie: C:\CallSripter\wwwroot\images\CompanyLogo.jpg The logo will be resized to 180pixels by 60 pixels when placed on the invoice PDFs.
  • It is recommended that any logo's being used are in the JPEG format (.jpg). Using a .png format may cause the image/logo to not be seen when the invoice is created

Import Sage Customer CSV

5. Import Sage Customer CSV
If using Sage Accounts, you can import customers into the Billing System using a CSV.

Import Customers from CS

6. Import Customers from CS
When using the Import Customer from CS button, customer address details are populated using the information entered for the customer in the Script Editor.  Any customers with an account code will be imported into the billing system.   Please note: if customers have the same account code CallScripter will take the top record it finds for each account code. This can result in appearing that CallScripter is not updating the address details.

Invoice Communications

7. Invoice Communications
Use this to include important information, special offers, etc on ALL invoices.