User Guide

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Billing Controls

Billing controls are used in conjunction with the optional CallScripter Billing and Invoicing module.  For further information, see Billing and Invoicing.  For a script run to appear in the billing module, records must be flagged as chargeable by inserting a Chargeable control, with a value of "True".  Billable events can also be passed to the billing module.  An example of the use of this might be a script run that results in the sending of a catalogue or brochure, requiring extra activity for back office staff that needs to be charged back to your customers.  The billing event control should be added to a page in your script that the agent will hit when the call results in such extra billable activity beyond the call itself.
Billing controls are included in the standard CallScripter Control list as they can also be used to segregate data for reporting purposes, even when the Billing and Invoicing module is not in use.