Run Billing Report (Generate Invoices)

"Run Billing Report "is a bit of a misnomer.  Use this tool to generate invoices based on script runs, global and customer billing options.  Running the billing report creates a row for each selected customer included in the given date range in the Invoices table (tbl_billing_invoices).  Each of these records is assigned a unique invoice number.  Running the billing report again for the same customer will generate another invoice with a different invoice number.
Once the invoices have been generated, they can then be edited individually to include non-script run related fees and charges as set up in  Customer Billing Options - Fixed and Variable Rates.  If you run the billing report, make changes to customer details or customer billing options, then run it again, the old data will still be there, but a new invoice with a new invoice number will be created.
In order to prevent invoices from being changed, they should be locked.  This can be done on an invoice by invoice basis in View/Edit Invoices, or by using the Bulk Lock Invoices tool.
Run Billing Report (Generate Invoices)

Start and End Dates

1. Start and End Dates
The start and end dates default to the beginning and end of the last complete month.

Specific Day of Month

2. Specific Day of Month
If you only wish to bill customers who are billed on a set date of the month, select the day here.  This will have been configured in the Customer Billing Options for each customer

Include SMS

3. Include SMS
SMS are included in the billing run by default.  You can choose to deselect this if required.

Include Calls

4. Include Calls
Calls are included in the billing run by default.  You can choose to deselect this if required.

Management Fee

5. Management Fee
The Management fee as defined in the Customer Billing options is  included in the billing run by default.  You can choose to deselect this if required.  You may, for example, prefer to bill weekly, but as the system was designed for monthly billing, you may need to exclude the Management Fee on 3 our of 4 runs.

Select Customers

6. Select Customers
Select the customers you wish to run the report for.  You can Select All at the top of the list.

Run Billing Report

7. Run Billing Report
Click to run the Billing Report using the parameters specified.  A progress window will appear after you have clicked the Run Billing Report button.  If there any errors, they will be highlighted, so adjustments can be made if required, and the report run again to incorporate the changes.  Once the report has been run, you will be able to download both the billing data and errors files.  Note that the billing data file only contains raw data relating to banded script runs and management fees if included.  Variable and fixed rate items are added after this.