Once in the Application Settings module users will see a list of headings each of which contains specific settings for the CallScripter Application. Locate the ‘DXI’ heading and click on the + button to expand the section and view the settings.
Once the DXI section has been expanded you will see 3 text boxes and a check box.
DXI Base URL – This is the URL that CallScripter will use to communicate with the DXI API2. (Will always be http://api.dxi-easycall.net unless DXI change it.)
DXI Username Token – This will be the username the user would log onto the ECN portal with.
DXI Password Token - This will be the password the user would log onto the ECN portal with.
DXI ECN – This check box will need to be checked to confirm that credentials are for an ECN account as opposed to a standard DXI account.
When each of the settings is configured users will see an alert below to confirm the change has been saved.