DXI - Application Settings PT1

In the main CallScripter menu navigate to the System Manager section once here locate and click on the Application Settings Module
Once in the Application Settings module users will see a list of headings each of which contains specific settings for the CallScripter Application. Locate the ‘DXI’ heading and click on the + button to expand the section and view the settings.
Once the DXI section has been expanded you will see 3 text boxes and a check box.
DXI Base URL – This is the URL that CallScripter will use to communicate with the DXI API2. (Will always be http://api.dxi-easycall.net unless DXI change it.)
DXI Username Token – This will be the username the user would log onto the ECN portal with.
DXI Password Token - This will be the password the user would log onto the ECN portal with.
DXI ECN – This check box will need to be checked to confirm that credentials are for an ECN account as opposed to a standard DXI account.
When each of the settings is configured users will see an alert below to confirm the change has been saved.