User Guide

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Billable Event

A control is placed on the page where you want to record an action has been taken. The 'billable events' control works with the optional Billing and Invoicing module and will calculate how many times an action has occurred.
Before you can configure the control, you must set up the Billing Event to which it will relate.  Billing Events are customer specific and only the events associated with the customer for which you are building the script will be available to choose from.
Add the control to the page as you would any other control.  Either choose an Event from the dropdown list and enter a quantity, or select "Stamp Event from Variables" and use the system variables to capture the event information, as described below:
If you choose 'Stamp Event from Variables' it will use the script variables to determine which event has happened and quantity. For example, this could be used on the last page of the script so you can record the actions that happened on various script legs.
To use this, the following (Case sensitive) variables need to be added to the script:
var_billingEvent (This must match a valid billing event set up in the customers billing options and spelt correctly) and
Once the agent leaves the page where the 'billing event' control is placed, the event and quantity is recorded and used when the billing report is produced.