This frame shows a list of all the fields in the script you have chosen to report on. Select individual fields and click add to add them to the workspace, or control and click to select multiple fields, then click Add.
You can add the same field more than once if required.
Special Fields are used for a variety of functions, the key ones being to add standard data (eg, call duration) to a report, or to format a report (end a line break), or to link to a SQL database.
Add Special Fields to your report in the same way you would script fields.
Static Text fields can be used to enter information that will be the same in every row. in the example shown above, we are generating an email to include in a script run, which is effectively a single row of data. Static Text has been used to include the generic text in the email in between the script field data that will be specific to that caller:
By default, CallScripter data is returned in quotes, e.g., "value1", "value2", "value3",... Click Set all Quotes off if required. Quotes can be turned off field by field by editing Field Details .
Use Check Positioning to ensure that special fields are enclosed in start and end repeats. You should always include a New Line special field at the bottom of your report if exporting it as a list.