User Guide

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Managing Individual Dialler Call Lists

If using the optional integrated dialler, when you have linked your CallScripter campaign to a dialler campaign (DXI) Dialler Manager), the standard call list toolbar will display an additional button "Manage DXI Records":
This gives you the manage records contained within your CallScripter campaign on the dialler platform:

Uploading New (DXI) Dialler Records

In order to upload new records, you must have first created the queue that the records will be uploaded to.  This is done in the outbound manager,  see Setup - Dialler (DXI) Queues (Call Lists).  The system takes the content of your CallScripter call list and generates an XML file that the dialler can then use to populate its own tables.

Fetch (view) DXI Dialler Queue Records

This button will display the records available on the  dialler and display data as it sits on the dialler:

Remove All DXI Records in Queue.

Whilst you cannot delete a DXI Dialler queue, only suppress it from view, you can delete the contents of a queue here.  This action will not delete the records from the CallScripter call list which can still be used for reporting purposes afterwards.  Deleting a CallScripter call list will remove all of the records and the ability to report on the results of that element of the campaign to which it relates.

Remove Single DXI record from Queue

In order to remove a single record from the dialler queue, you will first need to find its reference number.  this is the unique reference or primary key that you uploaded the data with in the first place.  You may have let CallScripter assign the unique reference, in which you can find it by searching the Campaign Records as you would for a non-dialler campaign.  Note that deleting the record from the dialler queue will not remove it from the campaign records view.  You should also make sure the call is marked as complete or DNC here.