User Guide

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Legacy Feature - Workflow Fulfillment Leg

Fulfillment Legs allow users to re-pop a script (containing the information already entered by the agent) during a workflow.  For example, following a engineer being called out notes need to be added as to whether the problem was solved.
In this example, the script is reopened from the beginning, and a variable linked to a List Box control, and set to a number in the Workflow determines where the agent moves to in the script.
A new script variable is created and linked to a List Box control.  The List Box options are:
The numbers used in the Option Value fields are linked to the fulfillment stages in the Workflow.  When the script is reopened a Conditional Button on the first script page looks at the Option Value selected, which in turn updates the variable and moves the agent to the correct script page (for example, if ([Name of List Box] == '1' go to page (01 Level 1 Call).  This feature allows the fulfillment to determine which page to visit next.
A fulfillment Action is added to the workflow, with the Fulfillment Leg field populated with the Option Value from the List Box.
Once the script has been run once and the workflow started the Fulfilment Leg looks like this in the Call Manager:
When the fulfilment hyper link is clicked the script will reopen, allowing the agent to update information as necessary.