User Guide

Please email for omissions or errors.

IIS (Internet Information Services)

CallScripter is a web application, and requires Microsoft IIS to be installed, which is a web server.  In addition there are a number of software additions that provide .NET functionality into IIS, and  also the ability to link to SQL databases that need installing on the Web Application Server(s).
IIS needs to be configured with support for:
The standard prerequisites to accompany these basic components are listed below for reference, however exact requirements to vary between CallScripter versions.

.NET Framework

Ideally after IIS is installed, the following .NET framework elements below should be installed, although the installation of IIS may have already done some of these please make sure all versions listed are installed.
There are 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the frameworks, please select the correct version for your server and operating system.    You should select the "Redistributable" version of each framework.

CallScripter Installer

The CallScripter installer will deploy the below required files as part of the installation process. They are listed below for reference.

.NET SQL clients

There are 2 "Feature Packs" available from Microsoft which contains drivers used to communicate with SQL server.  CallScripter requires some elements from both the SQL 2005 Feature Pack, and the SQL 2008 Feature Pack.  Download and install the correct versions of both 2005 and 2008 Feature Packs for your operating system (i.e. 32bit or 64 bit). 
If SQL 2012 is being used as your SQL server then you will need the SQL 2012 Feature Pack in addition:

Support for Office 2010

Support for Office 2010 format files is not available by default on a standard server install. This is recommended to be the 32 bit version, but if the 64 bit version is needed for other applications then this can be handled. Please advise us if this is the case as it will have knock on effects to the application pools configuration.

SSRS Integration

Our standard reports are presented through SSRS which require the supporting modules listed below to be installed on the Web Server. SSRS requirements are covered in the SQL documentation page.  Alternative legacy reports are available if SSRS is not available in your environment.
If SQL 2012 is being used as your SQL server then you will need the SQL 2012 Report Viewer in addition:

Microsoft IIS Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

We recommend that the IIS SMTP Module is enabled on the web server to provide email server redundancy. When in use this stores all emails on the web server if there is a failure with the connection to your mail server. This is not required if you have a redundant network and mail server configuration.