User Guide

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DDI Administrator

The DDI Administrator enables the linking of scripts to incoming telephone numbers in order that agents working on scripts for multiple customers are presented with the correct script when the call arrives.
As an incoming call is presented to an agent the CallScripter software polls the telephone switch. The telephone number dialled to make the call (DDI number) is passed back into CallScripter, which then looks up, in its database, the relevant script to 'pop' into the agent's web browser. This link between the DDI number and the script is set up within the CallScripter DDI Administrator.  Any changes to these settings are stored in the DDI History.
DDI Administrator
Existing DDI configurations are shown in the top left hand pane of the screen and are colour coded as follows:
Not yet live
Live DDI number
Disconnected less than 3 months ago
Disconnected more than 3 months ago
Reserved number

Telephone Number

1. Telephone Number
Enter the Inbound telephone number

Customer Name

2. Customer Name
Enter the customer name

Customer Name (short)

3. Customer Name (short)
This will be displayed on the left hand side of the screen in the DDI list - Enter the customer name as it should appear on the phone display.

Link Customer, Script and Campaign

4. Link Customer, Script and Campaign
Selecting a customer will display a list of scripts for that customer that can be associated with the telephone number entered above.  Associating the script with a campaign is optional.

Deselect Customer and Script

5. Deselect Customer and Script
Click to deselect the customer and script.

Number Live

6. Number Live
Select Yes, No or Reserved.

Live Date

7. Live Date
Enter the date the DDI configuration will go "Live"

Disconnected Date

8. Disconnected Date
If known, enter the date the DDI will be disconnected.  This can be done later if required.


9. Notes
Enter any notes relating to the DDI configuration for your own records.

Diverted From

10. Diverted From
Diverted from could be a 0800, 0845 number etc.