User Guide

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There are a number of CallScripter Databases that will be installed as part of the system, they are detailed below:

Main Application Database

This database is the main application database and will store all appropriate information. It will be handled by upgrade processes and so any customizations to SQL objects will be removed as part of this process. For this reason all additions must be placed in the Custom Database or discussed with CallScripter Support/PS as they will need to be reapplied after upgrades.

Custom Database

This database is provided blank and used for all customization SQL objects. It is untouched by automatic upgrades and is covered by manual customization processes. Its use can vary drastically based on usage and so backup regimes are dependant on customer use.

Legacy Dashboard Database (generally not present)

This database is only present if you have the legacy dashboard feature. If present it is a .NET created and managed database that is low access frequency and very low data changing frequency. It is typically set in Simple mode with less frequent backups taken.