User Guide

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Configuring Multi Language Admin

Once the language table(s) is/are defined and populated, you need to create a link to your table(s) in the the Multi Language Admin module, which is available from the Script Editor menu, and create the link to the table.
Step 1 - Name your language Link
Step 2 - Enter the connection string for the data source
Step 3 - Click Update to establish the connection
Step 4 - Enter the appropriate table name
Step 5 - Specify the Token Column - this is the column the script builder will use to identify which values to swap out in your scripts
Step 6 - Select the alternative language columns from your custom table
Step 7 - Click Update again to save the settings.
Note: If you make any changes to your language table, you will need to return to this screen and click the update button to refresh the link to the table and make new/edited values available to your script.
The Token Column specified determines the values that will be used to identify field label, content or help text when scripting for multiple languages
When the token word (wrapped in the [LT] [/LT] tags) appears on the page, the token will be replaced by the corresponding entry in the database in the column as defined by the variable var_csLanguages.
For example, setting var_csLanguanges to 'Language1', at run time, the script will replace the 'Hello' token with the corresponding entry in the Language1 Column:
Will switch out the tokens as per the database entry:
And will render as: