Bulk Generate Invoice PDFs

Having already run the billing report and edited invoices to ensure that all non-script related items are correct, you can bulk generate invoice PDFs here.   Note that you cannot review bulk generated invoices in the same way as you can review individual invoices before creating a PDF.  A configuration setting denotes whether you have to lock/post invoices before you can create PDFs.  See Billing Flow Chart for more information.
Firstly select the date range in which the invoices were generated by running the billing report:
Click List invoices to view a list of all the invoices generated between the specified times.  
You can then tick the invoices you want to generate a PDF for, and where an email address has been specified in the customer billing options, automatically send the pdf as an email attachment to that address.
For those customers who don't wish to receive invoices by email, you can either download and print the pdf from the next screen, of if running large numbers of invoices off as PDFs, go to the server on which your CallScripter installation is running and print the invoices off from the following directory:
where MMMMYYY represents the current month and year, and xxx.pdf represents each of the individual pdf file names.