User Guide

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Add a Customer

All scripts, whether inbound, outbound, email or non-calling, must be associated with a Customer.  The customer is the organisation paying for the call to be handled by the contact centre. 
To create a customer, navigate to the script editor and click the Add button at the foot of the customer list.  Enter the details for your Customer and click the Add button at the foot of the form to complete the action.
The minimum requirement is a name.  If you enter an address, contact name and numbers, these will be available to Agents as a default FAQ (read only), and Supervisors in Call Manager (editable).   If you are using the optional CallScripter Billing and Invoicing module, enter an appropriate Account Code for the customer.  CallScripter Customers can then be imported into the billing and invoicing system.
If you deal with many customers, you can use the search function at the top of the customer list to search within the list. 
You can edit the customer details at any time by single-clicking on the customer name from the customer list in the Script Editor.
Please note that as from Version 4.5.19 additional fields (System Attributes) can be added to this screen (for example, to allow the Customer's website details to be entered, or to show an additional contact name).  This information can be reported on by using the SQL Special Fields option in the Report Designer.  Please contact CallScripter for guidance if this option is required.