System Attributes

System Attributes are additional data elements that can be added at the User, Customer, Campaign and Script Level.  This allows the addition of a text box, select list or checkbox to the attributes page of each of these CallScripter objects.
Common examples of their usage:
  • Revenue per call targets added at script level.
  • User payroll number added at user level
  • Client identification added at customer level.
System Attribute definitions can only be added by a system administrator with access to the CallScripter database, using an insert SQL Statement.  Once the attribute definition has been added, the new field will appear in the Campaign, Customer, User or Script attributes page, where CallScripter users with the appropriate access permissions can add data.
Data added to the fields is stored in a separate table along with the id of the CallScripter object to which it relates.  It can be written to the script, or retrieved in a report using a SQL1 value.  For further information and examples, see CallScripter How-Tos - How to Create and Use System Attributes
System Attribute Definitions
Primary Key - auto generated unique id, sequential integer
1 = user,
2 = customer,
3 = script version,
4 = campaign
Label as it will appear on the object to which it relates
Type of field that will be displayed:
1 = textbox
2 = select list
13 = checkbox
Set a default value if required
Select list only:  enter the HTML options for your select list e.g :
<option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option>'
System Attribute Values
objID is the id of the object to which the attribute relates, e.g., the script id, the customer id, the user id, the campaign id.