Message Queue Type 0 - Note

Use this option for adding notes into the message queue for a particular session, for future reference and reporting.  The framework service ignores these 'types' in the message queue.
An example of where a note would be useful would be where cancelling a task via an admin script has been performed, it can add a note entry detailing who performed the action and why:
Example SQL:
Update tblMQs
set disabled = 1
where reference = [MQID]
insert into tblMQs
(messageType, messagePriority, fromaddress,  toAddresses, subject, messageText, queuedAt, sentAt, trycount,  maxAttempts, disabled, reportID, sessionList, reference, Notes)
values ('0', '0', [var_csSessionID],'', '','', GETDATE(), GETDATE(), '1', '1', 'False', '', [MQID], [MQID], 'Welfare Check Cancelled by ' + [var_csAgentName] + ' in sessionID ' + cast([var_csSessionID] as nvarchar) + ' at ' + cast(GETDATE() as nvarchar) )