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Message Queue Framework Actions


Message Types and MQ Service (csFramework) actions

None / Note
Use this option for adding notes into the message queue for a particular session, for future reference and reporting
The Pager type uses a TAP gateway. I.e. it sends directly to a piece of equipment run by the phone company - It requires a connection to this gateway. NOT generally available to most installations.
This option utilises the [fromAddress], [toAddresses] and [messageText] fields to contain the mobile number to send to, and the Messagetext to send via pager.
The message queue service code performs the following actions:
Message character limit of 222 for pager
Message character limit of 159 for sms
MessageText (Message) - Truncate into separate messages if too long
Check for SMSType, SMSUsername, SMSPassword in message queue config file
If SMSType = http then send sms otherwise send pager
For pager GetTapSenderHost, GetTapSenderPort
toAddress (mobile number)
fromAddress (sent from number)
The SMS type uses a TAP gateway. I.e. it sends directly to a piece of equipment run by the phone company - It requires a connection to this gateway. NOT generally available to most installations - work around is to set up a report in CallScripter (type of SMS) and then insert a Message Queue type of 5 (Report)
Message character limit of 222 for pager
Message character limit of 159 for sms
[MessageText] (Message) - Truncate into separate messages if too long
Check for SMSType, SMSUsername, SMSPassword in config
If SMSType = http then send sms otherwise send pager
For pager GetTapSenderHost, GetTapSenderPort
[toAddress] (mobile number)
[fromAddress] (sent from number)
Sends an email from the system  - This option utilises the following keys:
[fromAddress] (mailto)
[toAddresses] (mailto)
[subject] (subject)
[messageText] (body)
MQ service code performs following actions:
Get mailserver, username & password from in message queue config file
Check for GlobalEmailSSLOverride options
Check for BillingFlag
The message queue service will:
Check for the following config keys CSMQ_CSConnectionString, CSMQ_ReportsPath, CSMQ_MailServer
Override reporting defaults using the following keys:
[fromAddress] (mailfrom)
[toAddress] (mailto)
[Subject] (subject)
[MessageText] (body)
[ExtraAttachments] – specify a file path location for attachments to be included
[ReportID] states which report to run - can be located in tbl_new_reports, and seen in the URL string when in the report designer
[SessionList] states which calls to run the report over
Phone Call / Script re-pop
This option utilises the following keys:
DDI for message type of 6 (call or script pop) is CallQueueHandler. This determines a "reception script" to pop to then lookup actual scripts to handle the message.
[Reference] states which Item in message queue to repeat -
runs stored procedure MQ_RepeatMessages and passes in reference
The repeat option disables all current steps that haven't been sent for a given reference and reinsert all steps as new tasks, effectively repeating the escalation process again.
[WebHttpRoot] – URL to the CallScripter application that is appended to run a specific page in the webfiles (Executer/Controls/jsDbGet.aspx) - This is obtained by referencing the config for the message queue.
[Subject] – FieldID to re-run (must be a DB GET, External Data Source or Plugin control) This is obtained from tbl_Fields (right click on field in script editor - select properties) 
[SessionList] – Which sessions to run the field within
[FromAddress] – ScriptID (version) where the field exists
[Reference] – The page in the script that the field resides on