User Guide

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Legacy Feature - Customer Tabs

The Customer Tabs feature allows additional pieces of user defined information to be stored against a customer - other than the standard Name & Address information held in the Customer Details page.  This data is held in tables in the CallScripter database.  It is activated via a licence parameter key option   <CSParameter name="CustomerTabs" value="true" /> , and once in place the functionality is then available to anyone that holds a Script Editor licence.
The customer tabs will be visible to the left hand side of the Customer Details tab.    If no tabs are already set up or created then only the Add / Edit tabs option will be visible. 


Should the Customer Tabs fail to display, Check the licence file has been updated and applied with the correct parameter key under the Script Editor section: <CSParameter name="CustomerTabs" value="true" />.  The Customer Tabs functionality is written in asp.   In some environments IIS may not be set to display content of .asp files by default, this needs to be changed in settings.