To create an excel file, you simply need to specify the report type as an excel file and use the file extension .xls when defining your file name.
To include formatting and formulas you should use an Excel Template as described below.
Excel Template
The Excel Template reporting option is a feature in addition to the standard .xls file export format. It offers support for documents to Excel 2007 format (not xlsx) and supports Unicode.
Instead of generating a new .xls file it opens a blank template file and places the data according to tags specified in the template. This will allow you to apply rich Excel formatting, formulas or any other Excel feature to the blank document before CallScripter fills in the data from the report.
Create your report as per a standard Excel Report. Use the "Show Preview" option to review the data that will be generated.
Change the report Type to Excel Template and Save the options. Then the Template specific options will appear at the foot of the Report Options tab for use in later steps.
Create a new Excel file including data formats, calculations and the CallScripter Data Tag according to the desired result. When the report is run the CallScripter data will be inserted in to the file where the CallScripter Data Tag is placed. The CallScripter Data Tag is the text: [CS]direction=1;[/CS]
direction=0 will display the headings (if showing headings) across the page
direction=1 will display the headings (if showing headings) down the side of the page
Examples can be seen below:
Save the Excel file to your local computer and upload/copy it as per other Report Templates to your CS Website.
From Version 4.5.27 the template is easily uploaded using the Upload/Download buttons that appear once the Excel Template option is selected, and the Save button at the bottom of the screen is clicked:
For versions pre 4.5.27 the template is saved on your CallScripter server, the file path specified in the box. The template document must be saved on the server so it can be accessed by the CallScripter system. CallScripter will take a copy of the template and generate your report.
Excel File View:
Output Report:
The image below shows an example file as uploaded to the server with the [CS]direction=0[/CS] tag and no totals, the image on the right shows the result of running the report that uses the template.
The totals are Excel calculations that have been saved in to the Excel Template.