Change Description
Version Number
CTI Outcome
Contains a chargeable option for each outcome
Version 4.5.33+
This control sets a single outbound script outcome to the value which is set in the control properties. This button is used to set an outcome, set whether the record is finished or not and move to a prescribed page in one click. The data which relates to the outbound record is then fed back to the Communication Provider.
Field Name
Give your field an appropriate name. This is particularly important if using it in a calculation or report. Changing a field name will not automatically update corresponding reports that use that field.
Button Text
Enter the text for the control as you wish it appear to the agent.
Styling Button
Change the look and feel of the control.
Advanced Properties
The advanced properties set the outbound outcome of the record when the button is clicked. This can either be added manually (by clicking the Add new outcome button) or by selecting a campaign outcome (if an External Data Source Campaign Link is set up for this script).
'Link to Page' dropdown specifies the next page which the script will move on to when the button is clicked.
This control is limited to a single outcome and should not be used in place of a select list, but in instances where a single outcome can be applicable.
Please note this control is in development to improve the clarity of the interface.
Field Validation
Use to apply field validation to the control (in conjunction with a button marked to Check Page